În culoare prefer tehnicile tradiționale – tempera, acuarelă, ulei – dar nu mă feresc să abordez teme și subiecte variate. Pentru mine, a rămâne cantonat într-un singur domeniu e semn de stagnare, din cauza posibilităților limitate oferite de granițele naturale pe care orice domeniu le are. Asta e motivul pentru care lucrările în culoare nu sunt unitare, având ca trăsătură comună doar permanenta căutare.
In color I prefer the traditional techniques – tempera, watercolor, oil – but I do not hesitate to approach themes and various topics. For me, staying in one domain is a sign of stagnation due to the limited possibilities offered by the natural boundaries that any domain has. This is why my painting is not unitary as a whole, the only common feature for my work being permanent search.
In color I prefer the traditional techniques – tempera, watercolor, oil – but I do not hesitate to approach themes and various topics. For me, staying in one domain is a sign of stagnation due to the limited possibilities offered by the natural boundaries that any domain has. This is why my painting is not unitary as a whole, the only common feature for my work being permanent search.
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